Minecraft gives you the chance to experience infinite randomness, with each world being different from any world that has existed before. Mods in the game take that experience to the next level. However, with thousands of great Minecraft mods out there, we understand that choosing the best one can become a chore. We decided to make it easier for you by sorting out the best Minecraft mods that you can use to make your time in this sandbox game more fun.
It is important to mention that mods will be limited to Minecraft Java Edition due to differences between Java and Bedrock Edition. The latter does not have Minecraft mod support, in case you didn’t know.
Minecraft Customization and Equipment Mods
This category includes mods that improve the overall gameplay experience of Minecraft without making you feel like you’re playing a completely different game. These mods enhance your performance, reduce lag, and allow you to enjoy and access the game’s features with ease.
1. Optifine

Optifine is one of the most popular mods ever, which is well-liked by low-end PC gamers. It not only enhances your graphics in the game but also helps a lot in improving the performance with custom setting options.
If you want to become one of the OptiFine users, check out our guide on how to install OptiFine in Minecraft . Also, we have an in-depth article dedicated to getting started with OptiFine. It will teach you how to get the best FPS on Minecraft using OptiFine .
2. WorldEdit

This mod is technically a map-builder, but what makes it unique is that it runs inside the game. Yes, you can use mathematical equations, shared creation files, and even 3D brushes to create and customize your in-game structures.
The WorldEdit mod is the dream of any Minecraft player who is interested in custom structures. Since I’m not the best builder, you can check out an official screenshot to get an idea of what WorldEdit can do for you.
3. JEI (Just Enough Items)

If you’ve ever watched any mod series on YouTube, you might have noticed that players have some kind of item and block search tab on the right side of the screen. This is one of the most popular Minecraft mods ever – JEI, aka Just Enough Items.
Almost every modpack includes this mod. It is quite useful in vanilla games, but even more useful in modded ones. In the mod’s tab, you can access a list of all the different items and blocks in the game.
Additionally, you can view their crafting recipes and uses , which comes in handy when playing with mods you’re not familiar with. The JEI mod allows you to enter a search keyword and quickly find what you’re looking for. And with the bookmark system, you can customize the mod and make it more easily traversable. This is undoubtedly one of the best Minecraft mods, so be sure to check it out.
4. Bobby

The goal of the Bobby mod is to increase your render distance beyond the limits of your server, without compromising performance. It records and stores all the chunks that the server sends in advance to accomplish this task. This helps Bobby to display all the chunks that were previously stored at the time when the server does not send any data.
Finally, this mod can load chunks from an existing world into a new world to completely fill in areas where chunks fail to load. From what we’ve tested, it certainly delivers on that promise.
5. Exit

Zed Mod is also one of the most recommended mods for beginners in Minecraft. It has features that enhance the vanilla game and make the user experience more enjoyable. Essentially, it provides you with HUD (heads-up display) information related to block positions, horse stats, mob effects, chest contents, breaking process, and more.
With this mod, you will no longer bang your head against the wall because of confusion and ambiguity, as all the important information is displayed right in front of you.
6. Mouse Tweaks

Mouse Tweaks is a Minecraft tool mod that helps you control your mouse dragging and item moving in the game more easily . It changes the way you interact with items in the UI, making it much faster than the vanilla game’s mechanics. This mod modifies vanilla’s RMB (right mouse button) dragging mechanic and turns it into a more intuitive feature.
Also, the LMB (left mouse button) mechanics have been extended so you can easily move the cursor around in your inventory and quickly move items to other inventories while holding down Shift and LMB. This mod might not seem like a big deal, but once you start using it, you’ll never go back to vanilla mechanics.
7. Crafting Tweaks

Have you ever tried to manually spread items on the crafting table while creating something ? Or how about moving items back to your inventory when you want to make a different recipe? Although the previous mod can help you a lot for this purpose, Crafting Tweaks Mod has its own unique and incredible uses.
You will be able to rotate, balance and clear the crafting grid easily and quickly with a single mouse click. This simple mod will save you a lot of time with these effective buttons. Also, Crafting Tweaks Mod requires Bam Mod to work.
8. Clumps

The use of Clumps mod is quite good. Many players love the in-game experience and don’t like spoiling it with UI and F3 debug screen. Grouping XP orbs together helps to reduce lag in your game.
Apart from grouping, the Clumps mod helps in collecting the orbs instantly without cluttering the screen . Hence, it makes it easier to maintain your massive XP and endgame farm without interrupting the game.
9. Zero’s Minimap

We all know that Minecraft has its own maps. However, wouldn’t it be awesome if we had a UI minimap always displayed in the corner, showing us the surrounding terrain and the locations of nearby mobs and players? Oh, wait, we have this mod! Xaero’s Minimap Mod is one of the best Minecraft minimap mods. It can display a square or a circle shaped map with coordinates and cardinal directions .
One of the cleverest designs of this mod is its vanilla-like feel. It doesn’t differ much from the regular Minecraft look compared to many other minimap mods. Xaero’s Minimap is also the first rotating square minimap for Minecraft . Thanks to the customization settings, you won’t have any problems using it.
10. Appleskin

The AppleSkin mod is similar to the Jade mod in that it provides you with additional information that is not in the vanilla game. However, this mod focuses on information related to the two most important bars that Minecraft players have – the health and hunger bars.
With the AppleSkin mod, you can see how effective certain foods are in relation to potential restored hunger points, saturation, and health points. It also comes with visualization saturation and exhaustion for the HUD, and food price information for tooltips.
Minecraft world-changing mods
World-changing mods are pretty self-explanatory. They change the world of Minecraft, improve it and turn it into an even better, more magical and vibrant blocky world. These mods mostly focus on the world, terrain and biomes, but some mods also change the appearance of mobs, even drastically. So, let’s get straight to the start without wasting any time.
11. Improved animation collection

It’s crazy to think that despite all the amazing and new features that have been added to Minecraft recently, we still have some very mediocre and poor features that have very little effort put into them. One of them is the animations in the game, mostly the mob animations. If you’ve played Minecraft for a while, you can definitely notice the difference between the animations of the new mobs, such as the sniffer and camel , and the old mobs, such as the sheep and cow.
So, if you want that to change, you should check out this mod right now. The Better Animation Collection mod aims to bring life and character to all the mobs in Minecraft. You will see kneeling sheep, wobbling cows and creepers, twitching villager noses and creepy tentacles, bent human-like knees, waving endermen, playful dogs, curly cat tails and much more. Your Minecraft world will feel a lot more alive with this fantastic mod.
12. Biome O’ Plenty

Minecraft biomes are different areas of your world that have unique temperatures, mobs, building blocks, etc. Unfortunately, not all biomes are representative, as they lack details, life, and excitement. The Biomes O’ Plenty mod changes this completely. It is one of the best-looking biome mods currently on the market, adding over 100 spectacular new areas to the overworld and the Nether.
In those sections, you will get to see beautiful building blocks, interesting trees and plants, fascinating environment details, and much more. With Biomes O’ Plenty mod, exploration is completely enhanced and you are provided with lots of challenges, dangers, and breathtaking scenery. If you are interested in exploration, then definitely check out this mod.
13. Terralith

The next entry on our list of best Minecraft mods is another beautiful biome mod, Terralith. It brings massive changes to the world generation, introducing almost 100 new biomes and welcome changes to almost every single vanilla biome. Moreover, this mod adds completely new terrain types, such as canyons, broken biomes, floating islands, deep ocean trenches, and more.
This crazy change not only includes surface biomes but caves as well. You’ll find unique cave shapes, scary cave biomes, and decorative stone caves, such as andesite and diorite caves. On top of what we’ve mentioned, all of these changes are accomplished with vanilla blocks , making this mod fully compatible with the vanilla client.
14. BetterNether

Before Minecraft 1.16, the whole Nether dimension looked pretty plain and boring. That all changed with the famous and, arguably, one of the best Minecraft updates ever, the Nether Update. This epic update not only brought us ancient debris and Netherite armor , tools, and weapons, but it also added whole new Nether biomes, mobs, and strongholds.
It made the Nether even more vibrant, atmospheric, and spooky. Well, if you liked the Nether Update, what would you say about a mod that takes it and cranks it up to 11? Yes, the Better Nether Mod makes fun of the whole Nether Update.
It includes new fiery biomes, exotic plants, epic building blocks, materials, and more. There are even custom structures with specific dangers hidden inside. However, balance has been achieved with new tools, items, and equipment. If the cavernous dimension is your favorite, you can make it even better with the Better Nether mod.
15. Better Ending

From the same developers who created the previous mod on our list, Better End is here to change the neglected End dimension. This beautiful mod adds a ton of features to the space dimension. These include special End biomes , attractive mobs, new powerful resources, and stunning building blocks.
Each biome also has its own atmosphere, sound effects, and background music that will make you feel like you’re really there. End Cities aren’t the only structures, as there are also Custom Cities on the central End Island.
16. Environments

Unlike all the biome-related mods mentioned previously in our list of best Minecraft mods, this one is different. The Environmentz mod does not strive for additional biome changes and features, but instead aims to update and improve existing biomes .
This mod adds realistic temperature challenges, weather, and seasons . The Environmentz mod does all of this and still maintains the vanilla feel. So, if you want to try modded Minecraft for the first time, this mod might be perfect for you.
17. Cobblemon

Cobblemon Mod brings all the Pokemon games to your Minecraft world. The Pokemon don’t have the drawing style of Minecraft, but they still feel the same.
You can go on adventures, catch Pokemon, or visit iconic locations in the anime or games like the Pokemon Center. The Cobblemon Mod provides the full experience of the Pokemon world in Minecraft.
18. Nocubes

This is the most mind-bending, game-breaking Minecraft mod I’ve seen. Minecraft is known for its block-based gameplay, and this mod makes it easier. Yes, there are no blocks anymore.
As a player, you refuse to believe that the game you are playing is Minecraft after installing this mod. The game doesn’t look bad, but it definitely doesn’t look like your favorite game in any way. You can change your perspective by trying it out from the link given below.
Minecraft Gameplay Mods
Mods in this category change the gameplay either subtly or extraordinarily. They might make you love features you don’t like working with or maybe they might encourage you to take more risks and play worry-free. These mods are also extremely popular and frequently used nowadays, so let’s start listing them right away.
19. Create

You’ve probably heard of this mod as it is very popular in the Minecraft community. Create Mod is one of the most popular and best Minecraft mods. It is a highly technical mod geared towards building automated machines and farming hard-to-reach resources.
You are given a number of special tools and blocks that help you create extremely compact equipment. You can adopt many methods to achieve a particular goal. In addition, you are encouraged to use your creativity and common sense to find solutions to problems.
Most of the features are practical and don’t require you to spend too much time in the UI, allowing you to interact more with the environment around you and other Create features. Therefore, we recommend you to follow a guide on how to play with this mod and install the JEI mod first.
20. Genesis

If you know about Afterlife or New Life SMPs on YouTube, then you probably know how I found out about this mod. Origins Mod is a great mod with a lot of fun, unusual and exciting features.
Basically, you can play as one of 10 different origins and get special abilities , buffs , or debuffs according to the origin’s lore. For example, if you are an Enderian, an origin inspired by the Enderman Minecraft mob , you can teleport and reach further without ender pearls.
However, you will take damage when coming in contact with water and you will also be “afraid of pumpkins”. This great mod can be further extended with a number of single-origin mods such as Giant, Witherun, Flutterling, Vampire, etc. You will have the best time playing this mod with your friends on a Minecraft server , so follow our linked guide on how to set it up.
21. Storage drawers

As we all know, the Minecraft team adds a lot of different blocks and items with each update, however storage solutions haven’t changed much. This is why players have trouble fitting everything into a nice and organized system, and instead they end up creating chest monsters.
Storage Drawers Mod is one of the best Minecraft inventory-revamping mods that maintains the vanilla feel. It brings incredible blocks called drawers, which are storage containers. These drawers are wooden blocks, so you can make them from any wood you like and find matching drawers. You can easily put one or a lot of items in them and take them out.
22. Sophisticated Storage

The Refined Storage mod is a better and easier-to-use storage solution than the Storage Drawers mod. It is essentially a network-based storage system that allows players to store items and liquids on a massively expandable device network with a single access point.
This mod has some technical blocks that are ready to provide you with storage and item management capabilities. The devices present within the mod will even allow you to auto-craft items in the system itself, with just a few clicks.
This amazing feature alone can save you a lot of time, especially if you are playing with many other mods. If you have always wanted to create a cool storage system straight out of a sci-fi movie, then stop dreaming and check out the Refined Storage mod.
23. Tantra

If you thought the previous tech mods were a bit too much, then Mechanism will completely surprise you. This mod doesn’t care that the world of Minecraft is a simple place; it turns it into a completely futuristic and extremely engineering game. It revolves around machines that need generated electricity to run. As you start moving up to higher tech levels, all the tedious tasks in the game are completely removed.
The mechanism uses realistic scientific processes such as purification, dissolution, chemical injection and crystallization technologies to maximize resource production. These advanced machines are not only available in the last stages of the game. Depending on your progress in the game, you will get a chance to play with many different features.
24. Botany

Are you interested in tech mods in Minecraft but the looks and grinding aspects put you off? Well, luckily for you, the Botania mod is here. This is definitely one of the best tech Minecraft mods ever. Botania is a tech mod that is completely based on natural magic.
It has no pipes, wires, numbers, GUI or anything. The mod focuses on using mana, the power source of the earth. With this power, you can create fully automated systems that can be designed without following complex blueprints.
Don’t forget that the visuals of the mod are very cool, calm and pleasing. One thing that is left to mention is that Botania requires the Patchouli and Curios mod to run.
25. Tinkers Construct

Tinkers Construct is one of the most well-known Minecraft mods. It is essentially a tool and weapon-building mod. It allows players to create powerful tools with special buffs and abilities. You will be guided through the entire mod with a handbook at the beginning, and you can craft additional books with more advanced information related to the mod.
There are a few different workstations that have their own uses. Since they are so commonly used, you will quickly get used to them. There are even some new materials and resources. After building a smeltery, you can smelt metals and use them to create even more powerful tools. You will also find some blue slime in this mod. To play Tinkers Construct, you will need the Mental mod.
26. Traveler’s Backpack

Players have always wanted new portable storage systems other than the shulker box, so nowadays we have a plethora of backpack mods. There are many of them on the market and they are quite popular. In this list, we will include the Traveler’s Backpack Mod, as it is currently one of the best Minecraft backpack mods.
It includes highly customizable backpacks with unique features. They can hold up to 52 inventory slots and two fluid tanks, which can store up to 6 buckets of fluid or up to 24 bottles of potions.
Apart from this amazing mod, there are also Simple Backpack Mod, Simple Backpacks Mod, Sophisticated Backpacks Mod, etc. All these backpack mods are similar to each other and also special in their own way.
27. Corpse

Are you afraid of dying in Minecraft and losing your items? Does it prevent you from experiencing fun game features? Well, Corpse Mod will take care of that. This mod spawns a corpse in the exact same place where you died . It is a storage that contains all the items you had when you died. The corpse does not burn in lava nor fall into the void. When you pick up the item from the corpse, it disappears.
After an hour, the corpse will turn into a skeleton, indicating that it was there for some time, although it works the same way. This mod perfectly balances merciless death by default and challenge-free death when the KeepInventory gamerule is set to true. This ensures that all your time and effort wasn’t wasted, but it also encourages you to search your corpse and manually restore your items and progress.
28. Easy Rural

Villagers in Minecraft can be quite difficult to deal with. They are prone to jumping off edges and randomly killing themselves, they can’t be moved around easily, and they don’t want to make it easy for you to get the trades you want. The Easy Villagers mod helps you out with them quite a bit.
This lets you secretly “pick up” the villager like an object by right-clicking on them. This way, you can put them in a chest until you build a trading hall for them . Then, you can put them back down by right-clicking. This wonderful mechanism completely bypasses the whole “moving villagers” process.
Moreover, with Easy Villagers mod, we can also cycle the villagers trades by just clicking a button. Yes, you heard it right. So, now stop breaking the villagers workbench again and again and wasting time.
29. Westones

Just like the JEI mod, if you have followed any modded server, you would know about the Waystones mod. It introduces waystone blocks that act as teleporting stations. You can either craft them or find them naturally generated in the world.
Once a player activates it by right-clicking, they can quickly travel to the Waystone’s location. Using this block only requires experience points. The farther away the Waystone is, the more XP it costs. The mod also includes different Waystone types and special craftable items called scrolls.
Even though scrolls do not require XP, they are spent upon use, so regular waystones are used more often. The same developers make this mod as the previously mentioned Crafting Tweaks mod and it requires the Balm mod to work properly.
30. Nature’s Compass

Nature’s Compass is a great alternative to using the F3 debug screen in Minecraft. Players usually pull up the debug screen to find a certain location or biome. This mod lets you create a compass that will point you towards the chosen biome. This way, you can locate any area in your world without commands or third-party websites.
Not only that, but this compass also allows you to see information about biomes, such as climate, humidity, top blocks, etc. If you are using a mod that adds new unique biomes, this compass will support them as well. Such a simple mod, and a great implementation that should exist in the vanilla game.
31. Cooking for Fools

Cooking for Blockheads Mod adds several food and cooking-related blocks to Minecraft, such as a fridge, oven, sink, cutting board, pan, tool rack, etc. There is even more information about this mod, so if you are interested, you can check out the download page below. This mod requires the Balm Mod, just like some of the other mods mentioned above in the article.
32. Torchmaster

If you are not really a PvE focused player and if it exhausts you rather than excites you, then Torchmaster mod might be the first mod you should install. This is a mod whose idea is incredibly straightforward. No mob spawning. Yes, no need to fight scary mobs anymore. This mod adds a huge mega torch that can completely destroy hostile mobs within a certain radius.
Not only that, this mod also has a few more blocks that prevent passive mob spawning and help you illuminate an area easily. Mega Torch only disables natural hostile mob spawning, so vanilla and modded spawners will still work. Setting up a mob spawner farm has become much easier thanks to this great mod. Plus, you can start creating scary dim builds without fearing that creepers will blow them up.
33. Compress

The Compressium Mod is an interesting mod that solves inventory problems in a unique way. It adds compressed blocks. The best way to explain them is with an example. In the image above, if you use 9 cobblestone blocks and place them in the crafting grid, they will compress once, giving you one compressed cobblestone.
You can then use those 9 Compressed Cobblestone blocks to create Compressed Cobblestone x2. They work just like precious material blocks, so you can break down compressed blocks into regular blocks. This mod includes not just cobblestone, but many other blocks as well. You can see which blocks are on the download page below.
34. Physics Mod

This destructible mod applies real-life physics to the blocky rules of Minecraft . Literal physics mostly apply to how blocks break, and it can feel downright weird if you’ve been playing the game for a long time. For example, when you break a block of wood, you won’t see any smaller blocks that you can pick up. Instead, you’ll see a scattering of different-sized pieces of wood.
Minecraft Decorations and Building Mods
Now, we have reached the final category in our list of best Minecraft mods, and this one is probably the most popular. Even though vanilla Minecraft has various building blocks, the community still wants more – not just full, solid building blocks but all the decorative blocks as well. So, let’s take a look at the most used and loved decoration and building mods in Minecraft.
35. Chipped

If you are looking for a great building mod, this mod is the perfect solution. Chipped is currently one of the best Minecraft building and decoration mods. It offers players over 9,000 different choices of block textures . To access all of those modded textures, you will need to build seven unique crafting stations or tables with a theme.
Simply place vanilla blocks inside them and you will be offered variants with fantastic textures. The blocks you can modify are from different types of stone, such as bricks, prismarine, blackstone, wooden planks, basalt, sandstone, etc. This mod can be a bit heavy too, but if you are a builder it is definitely worth checking out.
Chipped Mod requires Athena, Resourceful Lib, and ConnectedTexturesMod to run.
36. Chisel

The Chisel mod is a little older than the other mods on this list, but it has definitely inspired new building blocks. It adds a whole variety of building and decorative blocks to Minecraft. You can reveal those unique textures using the Chisel tool.
Its crafting recipe is very simple. By simply right-clicking with it, the mod’s UI will open. Then, you can place blocks in the chisel slot (top left) and turn them into a different variant.
37. Decorative Blocks

As the name suggests, this mod is all about decorative blocks. If you are building in a popular medieval style , you will love this.
Decorative Blocks includes decorative blocks such as bonfires, wooden beam blocks, braziers, chandeliers, rocky soil, wooden seats, and many other blocks. Be sure to check out the mod’s download page below to find out what you can expect in this great mod.
38. BlockCarpentry

Have you ever wanted a concrete slab in Minecraft? Or maybe a diamond door? What about a moss slab? Well, the sky’s the limit with the BlockCarpentry mod. It adds frames and illusion blocks that look like any block you right-click on. This essentially means you can get almost any vanilla and many modded blocks into any shape you want.
Apart from the regular vanilla objects like stairs, slabs, doors, fences, walls, etc., this mod adds vertical slabs, slopes, and cabinets. Also, you can change the light level of the blocks, add overlays on those blocks, and even color some of them ( check out Minecraft dye colors via the linked article ). The mod introduces a few different tools that will help you manipulate those frames and illusion blocks more easily, giving you even more freedom and creative options.
39. Macaw’s Mods

This entry on our list of best Minecraft mods is not a single mod but a group of them. All these mods were created by the same developer and bring all sorts of building and decorative blocks to Minecraft; from macaw furniture, macaw doors, macaw trapdoors to macaw roofs, macaw windows, macaw lights and lamps.
With such a wonderful assortment of decorative blocks, everyone can find what they are looking for with these best furniture mods for Minecraft.
40. Twigs

Twigs Mod is basically an all-in-one building mod. It adds many building blocks to the game, which are both colorful and vibrant, and dark and earth-colored. In addition, this mod improves many vanilla blocks with outdated textures.
The Twigs mod also introduces some items and materials. The goal of this mod is to bring life to forgotten and rarely used vanilla blocks and provide players with brand new, beautiful building blocks.
And now you know the best Minecraft mods you should definitely try in 2025! So which mod will you pick first? Let us know in the comments below.