6 Best Uses for Glow Berries in Minecraft

In our recent guide on how to grow Glow Berries, we covered all the mechanics involved with harvesting, cultivating, and farming this orange berry that grows on cave vines. Now that you have Glow Berries, it’s time to learn how you can use these berries in your Minecraft world. As you’ll soon discover, they’re much more than just fruit. So with that said, let’s get started!

1.  Food Items

If you hold a Glow Berry in your hand and right-click or press the secondary action button, you will begin consuming this item. This  will replenish one hunger point  (one drumstick) and 0.4 saturation. Glow Berries are not a very good food item, but they can save your life in a tricky situation inside a cave.

2. Great  light source

Glow Berries are one of Minecraft’s  light source blocks  . When a Cave Vine is bearing this fruit, it will emit a light level of 14, making lush caves pretty safe to explore.

the area that is illuminated by a glowing berry

3.  Climbable Blocks

Like all other vines in the game, Glow Berries  are blocks with no hitbox  and can be climbed. Walk through them and press the jump button to climb the vine. If you stop pressing it, you will begin to descend the vine.

player climbing a cave vine

4.  Decorative blocks

Cave vines are quite beautiful blocks. They are often used as hanging decorations in organic constructions, such as caves, giant trees or overgrown ruins. You  can place glow berries exactly where you want them in Minecraft using bone powder created using a composter  , so that the surrounding environment is protected from creeping plants.

Also, in Java Edition, you can stop the Cave Vine  from growing by right-clicking it with scissors  , as this will change the age of that vine to the maximum value. You can also place Glow Berries manually, so you don’t have to wait to trim them.Related Articles

5.  Breeding foxes

Just like sweet berries, you can use glowing berries to breed foxes. First, you may need to mate them, as they are very fast  Minecraft mobs  . Then, right-click on two foxes with glowing berries to put them into “love mode.” If you want the baby fox to grow up faster, you can also feed it some more glowing berries and each one will reduce the growing time by 10%.

Breeding foxes from glowing berries in Minecraft

6.  Compostable Materials

The final use of Glow Berries is recycling. If you have a lot of them and you don’t know what to use them for, you can select the berries and  right-click on the composter to compost them  . Each Glow Berry has a 30% chance of increasing the compost layer by one.

And that’s it. With that, you now know how to use glow berries in Minecraft. They are quite simple but multifunctional items that will allow you to easily  create beautiful and practical sections of mini-games on PvP Minecraft servers  . So, what is your favorite use for glow berries? Let us know in the comments below!

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