How to Grow Glow Berries in Minecraft

There are all kinds of different vines and crops in Minecraft. You’ll find normal vines in the swamp and jungle biomes, the unique red weeping and blue twisted vines in the nether dimension, as well as cave vines that generate in the underground portion of the overworld. However, cave vines are more special than the rest, thanks to their unusual yield. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the fruit of the cave vine known as glow berries. We’ll be explaining how to find, harvest, and grow glow berries in your Minecraft world.

How to Get Glow Berries in Minecraft

Step 1: Find Cave Vines in Minecraft

Cave vines are the source of glowing berries. Therefore, the first step is to find them. These vines generate in the Lush Cave  Minecraft biome  . This is an underground biome represented by several azalea trees on the surface.

azalea tree on the ground

Once you find this tree, start digging down, and eventually, you’ll reach a lush cave. The floor of these places is covered with moss blocks and is also distinguished by several pools of water, where  axolotls  lay eggs and swim.

Cave vines are attached to the ceiling and usually grow a few blocks down. Once you’ve located one of these vines and are sure no hostile mobs are about to attack you, it’s time to harvest the glowing berries.

Lush cave biome where glow berries grow naturally in Minecraft

Step 2: Harvest the Glow Berries

To harvest glowing berries, you first need to find a cave vine that is bearing them. They will look similar to other cave vines, but will have glowing orange fruits. If they are high up, climb one of them.

Then, either right-click or left-click on it to break it. Vines with glow berries will drop 1 glow berry item. If you break a cave vine with no berries, it will drop nothing. You can then repeat this process to get some more glow berries that you will grow at your  Minecraft home  or base.

Player harvesting glowing berries

After getting glowing berries from Lush Caves, follow the steps below to grow them yourself in Minecraft.

  • First, you’ll need to place a block or several blocks slightly above the ground.
  • Then, you can select the Glow Berries from your Hot Bar and right-click underneath the placed blocks.
  • You will notice that cave vines have started to appear. You cannot obtain the “cave vine” item itself, but use Glow Berries to plant them.
A player in Minecraft placing a glow berry under a block
  • Also, when you plant cave vines, you will notice that they do not have glowing berries on them at first. You will have to wait for some time for the berries to grow. This may take some time as it depends on the random tick speed.

Additionally, Glow Berries only grow on newly created Cave Vines. This means that if you already have a Cave Vine that has grown from the block you connected it to to the ground and yet has no berries on it, it will not grow any berries at all. Vines  have a 1 in 9 chance of bearing berries  . If there are no berries along the entire length of the vine, you can simply break off most of it and wait until it grows a Glow Berry.

Cave vines can grow up to 26 blocks. This depends on the age of the vine. If you  press the F3 key to open the debug screen on Minecraft Java Edition  , you will see in the Target Block section the final cave vine age value.

If that value is 25, it will not grow anymore. The Cave Vine attached to the block is given a random value, and every newly-grown vine is one older than the previous vine. Therefore, these Cave Vines can be very short or very long. However, even if the vine has grown to an average of 26 blocks long, it may not even yield a full 3 Glow Berries, which isn’t very efficient.

Viewing the Age of the Cave Bell by Opening the Debug Screen

That’s why you should use Bone Meal to get a bunch of Glow Berries   . Select Bone Meal on your hot bar and right-click on any Cave Vine. This will instantly spawn Glow Berries, allowing you to harvest them.

If you start spamming the right-click button, you can grow and harvest glow berries in no time in Minecraft. However, this will require a lot of bone meal.

Growing and harvesting glowing berries in Minecraft

So, there you have it. You now know how to find, harvest, and grow glow berries in Minecraft. If you  are interested in the top uses of glow berries  , check out our dedicated guide on that. So, don’t waste any more time and grow glow berries right away.

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